Sphinx documentation engine templateΒΆ

Implemented in 0.0.4

During project generation you will be asked about installation of basic Sphinx documentation template. Question:

  • Use Sphinx documentation?

Default answer is yes and by default docs folder and related entries to requirements.dev will be created.

Selection of this option will add dependency for following list of packages:

  • sphinx - basic Sphinx engine
  • sphinx-rtd-theme - my theme of preference to use with docs engine
  • doc8 - RST files style checker
  • recommonmark - plugin, that allow usage of Markdown files in Sphinx documentation

Included configuration accept docs/source folder of new project as documentation source, and will place generated docs to docs/build folder.

Based on other questions on installation stage following files will be included in default documentation:


You can generate docs and check them before initial push with following commands sequence:

pip install -r requirements.dev
cd docs
make html

Then open build/html/index.html file with your favorite browser.